Of Bears And Spoons

News Flash! Bears are IN this week! Bears are in vogue, in great fashion. All the people are talkin’ AND listening about these wonderful woodland creatures. More intriguingly, all the Right People, “influencers” if you will, have been DRAWING them.

Illustration of an awkward looking brown bear. He is smiling and has a red nose. He is on a grass lawn and there is a tree.
eD! drew this for an Awkward Bear Drawing Club.

Naturally, being THE trendsetter and tastemaker who is perhaps so far ahead of the times that I am typically shunned by the trendy, I have already written and drawn all about all the bears in a moderately popular article here on this site. However, you can bet that starting today, the trajectory of the view stats on it will be going up, up, up! People are finally on board! They understand the love of bear that I have understood for some time.

Dollissa has been practicing drawing. She has been at it for a while, but now she is at the stage where she is using reference pictures in order to build up her hand-eye coordination, and draw what she sees. One of the images she shared with me was a page of bears, which you can look at here:

A fairly large image interrupts the article here. It is a photo of a sketch page, filled with ten attempts at bear-like forms. Written at the top of the page is, in all-caps, "bear."

Immediately upon seeing this page and praising it, I set to surprising her with the greatest gift of all: monetizing the design! You can now buy the Iconic LOL Bear on dozens of products at our Redbubble Store! You can! You must! Make her happy!

During the flurry of productive bear-related business, I happened to show the sketch page to Mary Kate, a dear friend of ours and Honorary Sneerist. Shockingly, unbelievably, Mary Kate almost at once returned with a photograph of a page of her own, showing me that she, too, had drawn bears before. Trend detected at that moment!

A photograph of a sketchpad page showing six bear heads -- they are all a little different from each other, but all of them are very cute. In the corner is written the word "bears."

Delight filled my heart, as I am sure it is filling yours now too. These bears are very cute things. Mary Kate was having a bad day that day, so I decided to reward her willingness to share with a little treat that would hopefully make her happy. As I am now sharing with all of you for the very same reason and not at all because I couldn’t think of anything better to write about on this day, January 20, 2021. Let’s not think of anything else! Let us never worry about anything! Let’s just think of this little bear story I made up on the spot because gosh aren’t bears wonderful?

Thank you for admiring the snazzy little “slideshow” function I just noticed in the WordPress Internet Thing. Truly, they only have the best in their hearts for each and every one of us.

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