TarotScopes: October Is Octobering

September sure was something else, huh? A whirlwind of hard Truths and frustrations. If yours was anything like mine, you learned what you were made of and how far you’ve come.

On October 12th Venus tells Uranus to calm the hell down. This may cause you to notice how others handle power struggles. Do they dominate or do they play nice? The next day on the 13th there is a Full Moon in Aries which encourages you to face fears head on. The 19th there is a nice interaction between Mercury and Pluto that makes you remember something important and maybe why someone chose to behave like they did. On the 23rd, Scorpio season begins. The 28th there is a Scorpio New Moon that asks us to solve some mysteries and dig deep to transform. Oh, and I would do you no favors if I didn’t mention Mercury going retrograde on the 31st-November 20th. Make sure to consider not starting anything new or sign binding documents. Also, consider the shadow time before and after. This shall mark a time of review and taking a breather.

The Reversed 4 of Cups is coming in for most signs this month. This makes me feel that it will be a time for deep introspection for most of us. Meditations and sacred spaces seem very important — make time for these things! We mustn’t accept every invitation that comes our way or sign up for added responsibilities.

These Tarotscopes are put together using astrological knowledge and Tarot. Pay special attention to your Sun, Moon, and Rising signs. Feel free to connect with me on my FB business page Tarot By Tonyana or email libratarot@hotmail.com if you would like to set up a personal reading. Let’s see what October has in store for us, shall we?

LIBRA (September 23 – October 22)

Week 1: Some Librans may be experiencing a bit of writer’s block. You really ought to keep a journal, even if you just write things down on bullet point form. Start scheduling a time each day to do this kind of thing.
Week 2: You may be a bit confused as to where to begin on a creative project. Manifest the help you need to see this thing through. I feel like this can be a potentially very healing thing for yourself and others. 
Week 3: Something is offered that holds the key to your destiny… but will you take it? The odd thing is, you may not because you took extra care to avoid what it entails. Things seem extra mysterious and ironic this week.
Week 4: Do make sure not to isolate yourself from others when we could use your influence now more than ever. Sure there’s lots of drama, but it can be worked in your favor. It may be difficult to see how that is even possible, but trust me — it will all work itself out beautifully.

SCORPIO (October 23 – November 21)

Week 1: An injustice will light a fire under you to make things happen. Everything will take on an all or nothing vibe. It will become very clear to you that your progress is indeed being sabotaged.
Week 2: You must really not make a deal with the devil this week just because you are in a tricky situation. This situation is getting mighty tough and you are letting it get the best of you. This probably has to do with a relationship issue.
Week 3: Don’t make excuses for not meeting deadlines. Ignoring a mountain of dirty laundry won’t make it go away. What is going on inside of you is also showing externally. Soon everyone will know you are a mess so snap out of this!
Week 4: In order for one door to open you must completely shut another for good. Be careful not to lose yourself in another. Sure they are the most beautiful thing you’ve ever seen, but unless you figure out your own baggage, a pretty face can’t save ya… no one can. That’s all on you.

SAGITTARIUS (November 22 – December 21)

Week 1: Because you are so gosh darn clever, you have put yourself right in line to receive many blessings! You are unstoppable this week. Really take advantage of this Midas touch energy.
Week 2: Make sure that you don’t become complacent with every going so well. Instead of taking it easy, you ought to be going full steam ahead. Don’t let all these Universal blessings spoil you rotten.
Week 3: You are still coasting on easy street. Swimming against the current is no longer your jam. Remember what you have been striving for before October began. All your efforts ought to be leading to that and not a Netflix binge.
Week 4: Procrastination can really bite you in the butt. Being lax may have cost you a great opportunity. Your path is being cleared. You don’t need to go full steam ahead just yet, but you really oughta start preparing more.

CAPRICORN (December 22 – January 19)

Week 1: Some of you may meet the love of your life this month! Work has so much promise and you are making strides. Your body is looking more fab than flab. You got it going on!
Week 2: A boss or authority figure thinks you are showing them up. They are getting so salty because everyone likes you better. It is true that you’d do a better job.
Week 3: Friends will be persistent about hanging out. There is one particular connection that is mega special. Some of you may be turning friendships into something more. 
Week 4: Moments of tension can bring wild amounts of insight. Let someone else do all the talking and freaking out. You will learn some invaluable information.

AQUARIUS (January 20 – February 19)

Week 1: You may be experiencing a week of smooth sailing or at least a better understanding of things. There can be peace with a situation, but YOU must extend that olive branch. Some people have not been very kind because they mistakenly believe that you had it so easy. 
Week 2: Make sure to apply all your effort to make something happen. Sure you are blessed and divinely guided but you still have to put your nose to the grindstone. Don’t get lazy.
Week 3: You may experience some splendid luck! People seem to want to treat you special and even send you gifts. You will prosper socially for sure. 
Week 4: Some of you may be experiencing some dizziness or even vertigo. I get the sense that work may be getting to you. Make sure to stress less and get some sleep.

PISCES (February 20 – March 20)

Week 1: You are really embracing your age these days because you understand that you are holding up much better than your peers. Looking back on your life, you can definitely see how much you have changed. You no longer tolerate childish behavior from adults.
Week 2: Own up to the circumstances you find yourself in. You must not be in denial of the role you played to get you to the events of this week. Just face things head on.
Week 3: You would do well to treat yourself to getting rid of responsibilities and projects that just aren’t working out. There are parts of your life that you can now clearly see have been built on illusions. You get a strong dose of Truth medicine and you won’t get a spoonful of sugar to help it go down either.
Week 4: Now is the time to go back with a red pen and edit, both figuratively and literally. You need more stability and permanence in order to feel safe. There is this black cloud looming over making you feel like your time will soon run out concerning something and it is stressing you the hell out.

ARIES (March 21 – April 19)

Week 1: You may have to finally give up on something you invested quite a bit in. There will be no quick fixes. You are all too aware that our time on this Earth is measured… not that you needed reminding.
Week 2: Illusions really must be let go of. This is the ONLY way you will see what you are really made of. Spend time running your hands through soil or picking things off vines. Something about getting back to Earthiness may bring you a sense of peace.
Week 3: Life can be very, very hard sometimes. However, you are being given a shot at redemption here. Whatever efforts you put into making things right again will be rewarded come Winter.
Week 4: Pay fierce attention to specific details like measurements and exact time. You may look in the mirror and be extremely aware of how you have aged. If you don’t want to be one of those elderly types you feel sorry for, you must really start establishing healthier practices now. Visit a nursing home for a reality check.

TAURUS (April 20 – May 20)

Week 1: You may be feeling a bit down in the dumps and not sure how to get out of that negative energy. It would do you well to schedule some nap time in. It will make a world of difference. So many of our problems are worked out in the dream state.
Week 2: You get some shitty service this week. Everything gets all screwed up and the incompetence is astounding. You are willing to cut people some slack… but this is downright irresponsible.
Week 3: The giving and taking of a relationship is a bit lopsided. Because of this, you may reconsider asking someone to tag along on an adventure. You would rather have quality people around rather than someone just taking up space anyhow.
Week 4: Balance is the theme of the week. Some things you are willing to let slide if you feel that someone makes up for and unsavory trait in some other way. You refuse to be just another person that judges.

GEMINI (May 21 – June 20)

Week 1: It is in you best interest to be no nonsense with your communications right now. You really must speak up for yourself more if you want a bigger piece of that proverbial pie. Make your points very clear about your expectations here on out.
Week 2: It is in your best interest not to worry so much about an individual who gave you a sad story. They are very clever and resourceful. If you don’t bite, they will move onto some other bleeding heart soon enough.
Week 3: You need to walk your Truth in your very own style, this is the only way that you will totally trust and appreciate all the wisdom being revealed. Some of you may be seeing flashes of light in the corner of your eyes and especially when you close them. Spirit is definitely trying to show itself right now. 
Week 4: You may wanna start carrying around some gemstones such as sugalite or agate to help you communicate clearly for this Mercury Retrograde creepin up. It isn’t advisable to assume that people know what you are talking about. You are quite a bit smarter than your circle of peers and that is obvious now and often frustrating.

CANCER (June 21 – July 22)

Week 1: Lots of anxiety is being felt. You aren’t quite sure why you are feeling some of it, but you do know that the vibes you feel are a bit… disconcerting. Wait until some facts come to light before you confront.
Week 2: Hopefully you didn’t go throwing your weight around last week because some new information has bubbled up that may put you at ease a bit. A situation is pushing you out of your comfort zone is all. Sometimes your imagination can make monsters out of shadows. 
Week 3: Some of you may be regretting that you never explored some creative activity like writing or painting. Please hear this: it’s never too late! You need to fit more playfulness in your life.
Week 4: It would be in your best interest to quiet your conscious mind through meditation. In this way a truly innovative idea will wing its way to you. Also be sure to enjoy some poetry and music this week.

LEO (July 23 – August 22)

Week 1: Have a bit more patience with the people who surround you. While it is true that things are happening quite quickly on your end, others may be having trouble seeing their way out. Nurture them a bit more.
Week 2: A growing process is happening right before your eyes and if you blink you will miss something beautiful! Remember, it’s the journey not the destination. Enjoy every moment of getting there. Take a pause.
Week 3: Slow down and really notice all the things you have manifested into existence. You have received many lessons that came from a place of love. Maybe just chill out now and trust that you don’t have to run after things anymore… they will come to you. Don’t be surprised if you are super emotional this week.
Week 4: Gently fade yourself out of a situation you no longer want to be in. There’s no need for dramatics. In fact, if you resist the urge to be a big shot, you may be given an honor before you take off. The key is to not burn bridges and make sure not to leave anyone high and dry. Be supportive, not dismissive.

VIRGO (August 23 – September 22)

Week 1: You are finally ready to surrender your control and put the Divine in the driver’s seat. Lots of thinking and over thinking has been done and it is damn exhausting. You are being guided now by a higher calling and you must trust that.
Week 2: You help another make sense of a troubling situation. Intuition tells you that this person is a lost soul at the moment and you know how awful that feels. You tell them of how your life started to change in subtle ways after you released some rigid expectations.
Week 3: Get creative with a home project. You have been confused about which would be the most cost effective yet pleasing to the eye. Also, many will need reminding to pay attention to their foundation or structure of where they live. 
Week 4: It would behoove you to go ahead and leave a social group that isn’t very helpful. At worst, they make you doubt yourself. It’s time to get a new circle of influence Virgo.

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