TarotScopes: April Cowers Bring May Powers


Hi there, Sneersters! I’m Tonyana and I’m going to be dropping by every month or so to give an idea of where your month is headed. These here are TarotScopes, where I intuitively consult the cards and take into account all the astrological goings-on. These are very general, so if you would like a more in-depth reading, like my page Tarot By Tonyana and message me to schedule one. It may also be helpful to look up your Rising or Moon sign. Oh… looks like the 25th may be a particularly memorable day this month because the Tower card kept popping up around that time on lots of these, so I’m going to circle it on my calendar.

Done. Now on to each sign!


ARIES (March 21 – April 19)


Be especially sensitive to what is happening in your bank accounts the first week of the month because it seems like there may be some transactions that you can’t quite recall ever doing. This should worth looking into so there aren’t huge shockers later on. Get on this without haste, Aries. Toward the second week, you feel safe in the arms of someone you have grown accustomed to. This is who you always thought you wanted, but you have changed a lot recently and are now considering opening your heart to other possibilities. You need to become more of a proactive creator of your own life instead of going with the flow of where you fit in with the lives of others. By week 3, you will be seriously wondering if you made the right decision because you won’t be able to shake the gnawing feeling of how it may impact others, and the Full Moon on the 22nd will bring these conflicting feelings to the forefront. This may bring on a dark downward spiral of thoughts! You are being urged by Spirit to trust in the process and just watch things unfold for now.  You will find by the end of the month everyone is expecting something from you. They will WANT something of yours. Definitely don’t offer anything up at this time.


TAURUS (April 20 – May 20)


The first week is about brainstorming a way to travel and bring the people who matter along for the ride. Some Taureans may be considering living someplace else. You really feel that ANY change of scenery will improve your outlook immensely. Your talents are spotlighted during the second week and people will be in awe of your work. There is also a need to make changes in your romantic relationship, so Spirit urges you to look within on how to proceed. You definitely need some alone time. The time you spend in solitude will attract wonderful, unexpected changes into your life! By the third week, you should be sitting back grinning, taking in all the good stuff that your efforts from earlier have provided. Allow yourself to feel happiness, Taurus. Even if you don’t physically see the realizations of your manifestations, you will certainly feel them. There will be an emotional event connected to your home and financial life and you will get the validation that you made the right decision. It will give you a serene sense of stability. Health matters will ease up a bit, too. Expect a diversion to your original plans while you’re at it. The last week will be trickier: someone will test your authority. They want a piece of your turf. It will become increasingly obvious as the month wears on, but you must not respond in the same way. Allow the other to make an ass of themselves.


GEMINI (May 21 – June 20)


The first week forecasts that you will attend some type of event or gathering and make friends with a lovely set of people. The friends category in your life has needed a bit of refreshing anyway so this couldn’t happen at a better time. This is the month where you will see just how much of a powerful impact you have on others, and I’m including real flesh and blood pals here, not just the ones on social media. The second week is a wonderful time to resolve any work conflicts, primarily with someone you have been partnered up with. There will be an opportunity to hear their side of the story out and this will nip any further problems in the bud. You will also be open to making important changes that renew your personal relationships, as well. An unexpected event that pops up around the third week will have you tuning into Source Energy for an answer on how to proceed. It seems like you may catch someone in a lie or someone will betray you in some way. This news may leave you feeling abandoned and confused! You will notice by the last week that things aren’t nearly as bad as they seem, though. Even though you wouldn’t have made the choice, you’ll kind of understand why the person felt so backed into the corner to do you as they did. If you had paid enough attention, you would have seen it for yourself, hopefully you will have read this in time to keep an eye out all month. The person will have hidden it from you because they thought you wouldn’t approve. Things will improve after this.


CANCER (June 21 – July 22)


An important event happens within the first week which will attract lots of different types of people to you, mostly the kind you actually like. A promotion goes well and you really get the best of yourself out there. This will prove to be a positively powerful month for you, indeed! Your manifestation powers will be in full effect by the second week. Unstoppable is more like it!  Work on creating healthy boundaries with others this month, though. Just because you come into some money or property doesn’t mean you need to share your wealth with every stranger with their hand out. Don’t compromise with people who only show up when they want something. There is something that you really enjoy doing which will cause things to come to fruition during the third week. Your money will grow even more. Someone tells you a financial tip at an opportune time and you actually act on it, which will really pay off. Something momentous will happen around the last week, which brings in even more income… dang, I picked the wrong birth month apparently. It involves something you feel very passionate about. This is going to be the April of 2016 you tell your grandkids about!


LEO (July 23 – August 22)


Your good looks won’t be enough to get you by forever, kid. Take big steps in the beginning of the month to secure your future. It seems someone will accuse you of being all talk and no action. You’ve been itching for a change, so why not prove them wrong? Of course, some of them are just jealous haters anyway. A situation will happen around the New Moon that will help you dissolve some of your anxieties about success, which should give you the confidence to propel yourself forward. By the third week, you’ll feel something is going on beneath the surface in your love life, you just won’t be able to put your finger on it quite yet. The thing is, you may meet someone who is so authentic that it stirs something inside you that you aren’t particularly comfortable with. You’ll ask God, angels, anyone who will listen (but won’t sell out your secrets) for guidance on this matter. The key is to not stress yourself out because of these new feelings. It is a signal to be proactive in your already-existing relationships. Towards the end, you’ll decide that it has been a pretty ho-hum month. You made do with what you had to work with. There’ll be a silent vow to move to another part of the country sooner than later.


VIRGO (August 23 – September 22)


You’ll be super ambitious during the first week of the month, but your trust issues may stunt your efforts. Because of some old childhood issues that have been creeping back, you’ll go back and forth from daring to cautious. Something new that will stimulate you mentally will help give the confidence needed to make strides in the right direction.  The second week is a great time to focus on strengthening family relationships, for something is bound to come out of left field. It may leave you feeling defeated. If you’ll stop seeing your life as one distressing thing after another, it might turn into something nicer every now and then. That’s tough love, but had to be said. Practicality will come to the forefront during the third week and you’ll offer helpful advice to anyone who cares to listen. Counseling is what you excel in, whether you get paid for it or not. People appreciate how realistic you are and you help them see things in a simpler way. Pay attention to your words of wisdom, because they are exactly what YOU should be doing! You have down-to-earth solutions that will help you reassess some things. Reserve some time to take naps or just unwind. Avoid irritations by releasing things that no longer serve you, especially on the Full Moon on the 22nd. You should receive validation that your finances are improving. By the end of April, you will settle for nothing less than what makes you feel fully alive. Your priorities will shift from the everyday to a temporary diversion. Also, generally beware of anticipating the worst in others, Virgo


LIBRA (September 23 – October 22)


It is really best not to fund any of your friends’ risky shenanigans, so avoid having to give out a loan or become an accomplice by doing someone a “favor” during the first week of April. It could definitely backfire on you. I don’t feel that this friend would put their neck out for you if the situation was reversed. They definitely have ulterior motives. You are a smart cookie and will intuitively know whether you are being smart or stingy. This type of energy will continue into the second week where people will need you to rescue them from their tangled webs. Someone may ask to borrow and know full well that they aren’t ever gonna get you back. You really hate to be “the bad guy,” but you must refuse to get involved. If you are feeling brave, explain why. In the third week, you may be feeling like you are an authority on some subject… but you may want to downplay your knowledge a bit. It may be worth it to brush up a bit on your skills. Also, your relationship might be becoming stagnant. Definitely work on improving the romance this month! Finances may have to be juggled a bit. By the final week, you may be surprised that you totally flaked about a bill. Figure out what you can do to fix it without more delay. It isn’t something to get terribly worked up about, but you don’t want to get into the habit of forgetting things like bills and such. It is productive and advisable to hunker down and do some serious money manifestation affirmations and practices. It works!


SCORPIO (October 23 – November 21)


A credit card may get you into trouble during the first week. Fortunately, a tax refund or back wages kick in right in the nick of time. Meanwhile, someone will present an expensive gift to you, but you really ought not accept it. Get a handle on your money situation. Maybe take all those coins you have been saving in a huge jar to the bank. It will create some good money karma to tip someone well who provides good service. Stay frugal in week two. Work up the courage to talk about how you are considering moving to those that it may affect. I don’t feel they will be too keen on the idea, though. Tell them that anyplace else would be a healthier environment. Week three urges you to get more alone time. It’s okay to binge watch some Netflix! You are undergoing a transformation of sorts, and you have big plans to get yourself extra fit and attractive. You will be very realistic about it and because of that you will be showing off that sexy bod for years to come. New projects and hobbies will help any inner doldrums disappear. During the last part of April, you will get the distinct feeling that you haven’t lived up to another’s expectations. The details of an event or gathering will get all screwy. When you finally get there you may feel like you stick out like a sore thumb. Watch out for your order getting messed up at the ol’ drive-thru or ordering online. In fact, you will likely be disappointed by many things. You will have to work up a phony smile til it actually becomes real. And then a relationship you thought was pretty solid gets shaky! It is evident that you two are no longer on the same page. P.S. You may want to see a doctor about a kidney or bladder issue.


SAGITTARIUS (November 22 – December 21)


You may be a bit defensive at the start of April, especially when it comes to matters of the heart. If anyone gives you any lip at all,  they will rue the day they did! You are ready and willing to protect who and what you care about — to the bitter end, if need be. An important event will occur the second week that will put the brakes on what you had originally planned for. This month promises to make you reassess your romantic possibilities, to say the least. Don’t let this hiccup discourage you for other things that are actually going well in your life. You have to think; building a great foundation will require time. You will find yourself anticipating the other person’s next move. Before you go throwing caution to the wind, risking everything, and showing up to serenade them outside their window, you may want to consider that maybe they have left out some pertinent information about their lives. Things look slightly more promising during week three on the romantic front, but now work becomes a bugger. The gossip you heard about earlier in the month regarding a loved ones will prove itself to be untrue after all, so you’ll feel vindicated in your stance. It bothers you the lengths some folks will go to ruin another’s reputation and chance at happiness. Have patience with these unfortunates that are still walking a fearful path. Don’t go getting hateful right back. A redhead or strawberry blonde will be very important for you towards the end of the month. This person has an air of authority. Make sure you let them know right away that you will do what you damn well please. If you let them take over once, they get the impression that is the standard dynamic.


CAPRICORN (December 22 – January 19)


An Aries will play a big role during the beginning of April, perhaps their birthday will be inspiring you to spruce up your living space in order to have a celebration. During this time, relatives will contact you about work connections. It may come with an opportunity to travel; don’t discourage yourself by believing it isn’t possible. This will alter your life dramatically should you accept. You may be considering selling property in order to make all this work. The second week will begin a new chapter in your life, more than likely around the New Moon on the 7th. Avoid making a big production about it. A few tears will be shed in private. Keep it that way because others will be gauging the situation by how you are responding to it. Home projects will get going around the 9th, but try to get them done before the Mars Retrograde on the 17th. Make the 16th the day you wrap it up! Some things you will just have to wing without a plan or directions. Your game plan will be basically to see how things work out and go from there. But if you go in there willy-nilly like that, just don’t say I didn’t warn you! That method will make it drag out past the 17th. Just watch that old Tom Hanks movie The Money Pit to get your butt in gear. Listen honey, you DON’T want to ignore a Mars Retrograde! Make sure any contractors you hire have some experience under their tool belts and can be relied on to keep things time sensitive. Make this VERY clear. Draw up a contract that is legally binding. Keep your wits about you. Be prepared for ANYTHING. There will be challenges heading into May.


AQUARIUS (January 20 – February 18)


A promised raise or promotion just isn’t cutting it at the start of the month, but you should know that it has something to do with how you communicate with others. Work is really starting to get under your skin, in fact, maybe even literally in the form of a rash. There is something that you have been chomping at the bit to express but social norms frown on that type of thing. If you say or do something shocking, best do it quickly like tearing off a bandage to inflict less pain.  A relationship may end just as quickly as it began this month. Just being with them for a short time has drained your funds substantially. They manipulate you into doing things all the time, and it was getting one-sided anyways. These things need to be addressed. Are you brave enough to just let it go? An Aries will play a key role in the second week and they will affect your home life. They are just so darn impulsive and you are so idealistic that there will be a misunderstanding that takes place. I am fairly confident that there will be a disagreement with family members, too. It is also possible that you will have to avoid a friend for a while because the very sight of them upsets you from the 9th to 17th. The career sector looks a bit more promising around the Full Moon on the 22nd. You can do some very productive manifestation exercises during this time. Some of you will be working on your gardens. During the final week, you will slide into a positive state of mind, mostly because your status will change. Things will start speeding up for you which is odd with all these retrogrades happening this month (Mars, Mercury, and Pluto). You always have been the different one, Aquarius!


PISCES (February 19 – March 20)


You’ll go through some times of totally zoning out during the beginning of the month. It’s because you are daydreaming a lot… mostly about sex. There’s someone in your life that you would do absolutely anything for. The thing is, it’s complicated. Your finances will be at a definite upswing come the second week and that will call for you to reevaluate your goals a bit. Investing in some landscape work may spark your interest – go ahead and splurge a bit, you’ll be able to afford it. Your kind of lifestyle costs money. A blessing will come out of the blue around the third week. You will hardly be able to believe your good luck! There’s going to be lots to look forward to. Someone will pull on your heart-strings and know exactly what to say to make you swoon. By the end of the month, you’ll be clanking wine glasses with that special someone and sealing an agreement of some sort. Things will be taken to the next level, finally. Some of you will even receive a proposal! Your bed could be a popular destination, if you catch my drift. Partnerships of all kinds will be established before the month is over, but I must warn not to make any new decisions from April 28th all the way to May 22 on account of that Mercury Retrograde. There will be joint undertakings presented and maybe an offer of employment or advancement. Prolong answering it, if possible.

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